Is there a cost for the school?

No. This school is 100% free

How do I enroll?

You need to subscribe to the mailing list. When the classes are available we will send you an email.

What is the schedule for the classes?

Majority of the classes are pre-recorded so you will be able to take them at a time and place that is convenient to you. Some classes will be live and you will receive an email notification with the dates and times of the live classes. At the end of the live classes, they will be made available within one week to be viewed on demand

Are there any tests and exams associated with this school?

Yes. Not all classes will have tests but some of them will and you will need to get a passing grade to go on to other classes and segment. We will let you know ahead of time when tests are associated with the class. Some classes you will not be able to take until you pass tests from other classes.

Will there be one on one discipleship and mentoring?

We will be offering group mentoring classes at some time in the future and will notify you when this will take place.